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暑假已到 畅谈广告 笔者答应过在暑假期间和大家谈谈广告,相信同学们都开始放假了。首先让笔者简单导介绍一下广告这个行业。 把More than a soft dring翻译为“点只汽水简单“的广告才女纪文凤小姐曾经在文章里写过这样一段话: “广告是一个令你投以好奇眼光的行业。 “年青的一辈,对广告特别感兴趣,认为广告是充满活力、多姿多彩、日新月异、范围广泛、接触人多的行业,而且富有挑战性,更具吸引力的是待遇比一般行业偏高。 “一家全方位服务(full service)的广告公司,主要有三大部门;即客户服务部(account servic-ing)、创作部(creative)和媒介部(media). “客户主任(account executive)是广告公司的代表,职责是联络广告客户,然后将客户的市务需要或广告难题提交广告公司,寻求决策。 “第二个部门是创作部,通常是最富挑战性的部门,因为广告公司的制成品就是创作人才的杰作。创作部以创作总监(creative director)为首,属下有广告撰稿主任(copywriter)及美术主任(art director). “第三个部门是媒介部,媒介总监(media di-rector)及其属下人员的职责是分配客户的广告费,对各种媒介的选择、时间、版面、节目等,作适当的安排及灵活运用。“
英美两国 广告名作 英美两国都有很多广告经典名作,现在我就和大家研究一下“看广告学英语“。 首先介绍一位五六十年代已经在美国扬名天下的英国广告巨头大卫.奥格威(David Ogilvy).他对广告的看法自成一格,并在其名Ogilvy on Advertising的序言里劈头第一句就写出了他的独特见解: 'I do not regard advertising as entertainment of an art form, but as a medium of information. When I write an advertisemsent, I don't want you to tell me that you find it 'creative'. I want you to find it so inseresting (来源:英语麦当劳 http://www.EnglishCN.com) that you buy the product.' 他创办的Ogilvy&Mather是全救五大广告机构之一,分公司遍布世界各地。 60年代奥格威替Rolls-Royce写的一则广告标题,堪称经典之作: 'At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock.' 当年在美国有很多同行把这则广告剪下来贴在墙上,奉为圭臬,视为典范。 他写出这个汽车史上最著名的广告后说下这段话: 'First, study the product you are going to ad-vertise. The more you know about it, the more likely you are to come up with a big idea for selling it.'
经典作品 历久弥新 上文介绍了英美广告界一代宗师奥格威的宗旨与标题写法,相信大家对广告已有了一个概括的认识. 他写的那篇的广告一刊登在报纸上,连当年Rools-Royce汽车公司的总裁也惊叹:“We really must do something to improve our clock!' 现在我介绍另一篇经典作品,希望你们反复熟诵。 这一篇为“国际函授学校“(International Correspondence Schools,简称ICS)而写的报章广告,刊登于1919年,其后沿用了五十多年,那家学校成为全球最大的函授学校,而这个广告更被列为“15 famous ads“的首位。 图片是一位丈夫把加了薪的50元钱交给贤慧的妻子。(按:当年的US$50是一个不小的数目。) 标题是这样写的: 'Here's an extra $50 ,Grace-I'm making real money now!' 跟着的副标题: 'Yes ,I'd been keep9ing it a secret until pay day came. I've been promoted with an increase o $50 a month. And the first extra money is yours. Just a lit-tle reward for urging me to study at home. The boss says my spare time training has made me a valuable man to the firm and there's more money coming soon. We're starting up easy street. Grace, thanks to you and the ICS!'
续谈美国经典广告 上文向你介绍了“国际函授学校“广告的标题与副标题,内容是丈夫感激妻子鼓励他在家里自修,因而获得老板称许,还加了薪水。文笔简炼,鲜有冗词废词,至今仍被列为全美15个最著名的报章广告之一,值得反复熟诵,细心仿效。 现在继续抄录以下的内文: 'Today more than ever before,money is what counts. The cost of living is mounting month by month. You can't get along on what you have been making.Somehow, you've simply got to increase your earnings. 'Fortunately for you hundreds of thousands of other men have proved there is an unfailing way to do it . Train yourself for bigger word, learn to do some-thing well and employers will be glad to pay you real money for your special knowledge. 'You can get the training that will prepare you for the position want in the work you like best,whatever it may be. You get it without sacrificing a day or a dollar from your present occupation. You can get it at home, in spare time, through the Inter-national Correcpondence Schools.' 还有两段,下次再给你们介绍。你们要趁着暑假多做些运动,把身体锻炼好。精力充沛,学习时才可以达到事半功倍之效!
一稿成名 自立门户 上次我劝各位趁者假多做运动,把身体锻炼好,这一点也是很重要的。我年轻时只顾念书,少做运动,结果几年前因健康问题而退休。退体后我每晚都做运动,去年终于恢复健康,东山复出,现在还可以在一天辛劳之作写这个专栏,把我平生所学,提供给大家研习。 现在就把美国那个“国际函授学校“的经典广告最后两段抄录下来,供你们研习广告写作之道:“It is the business of the ICS to prepare men in just your circumstances ofr better positions at bet-ter pay. They have been doing it for 28years. They have helped two million other men and women. They are training over100,000now。 Every day many stu-dents write to tell of advancements and increased salsries already won. 'You have the same chance they had. What are you going to do with it? Can you afford to let a single priceless hour pass without at least finding out what the ICS can do for you? Here is all we ask-without cost, without obligating yourself in any way, simply mark and mail this coupon.' 写这篇广告的撰稿主任(copywriter)是G Lynn Summer。他后来在纽约创办了自己的广告公司,名噪一时。
Arrive in better shape 标题这句英文你一定在电影电视里听到过。'Arrive in better shape'是一家航空公司沿用多年的广告标语(shogan)。你会怎样翻译呢? 如果你将来在广告公司工作,记住翻译英文广告为中文时,切忌直译。广告客户都很熟悉市场营销,很明白直译出来的标题(headline)、标语(slogan),在香港市场十之八都是行不通的。原因是中西社会的习俗与文化不同,在欧美成功的广告,亚洲国家不一定接受。 举一个70年代著名的例子;可口可乐本来一枝独秀,怎料当时有其他可乐饮品应运而生。其中百事可乐就昌起得很快。可口可乐在美国本土遇上强劲的竞争对手,为了向美国以至世界各地的人宣传可口可乐是正宗的可乐,所以就创出It's the real thing这句标语。 当年香港人喜欢可口可乐,倒不在乎它是否正宗的可乐,而且把It's the real thing 直译也容易变成欧化中文,香港人不一定接受。于是已故的广告创作前辈李作猷先生就把这句标语译为“认真好“。 从来可口可乐的广告歌由美国传到香港,歌词是:'It's the ral thing. Coca Cola's the best.中文歌词的唱法:“认真好,可口可乐最好。“配合得天衣无缝,被誉为当年的广告绝句。
翱翔万里 神采飞扬 上文请你试译一家航空分司的英文广告标语“Arrive in better shape'.你有没有写出自己满意的句子? 我上文提过,如果你有兴趣在广告公司从事撰稿工作,切忌直译,并且举了70年代可口可乐的经典范例。 80年代一个出色的广告就是国泰航空公司选用了“翱翔万里 神采飞扬“作为中文广告标语,与英文那句“Arrive in better shape' 同样深入人心。 标题:'Our cabin attendants make a point of staying up late.' 内文:“Probably the best thing to do on an overnight flight is sleep. 'But at Cathay Pacific we realize not everyone can sleep,or even wants to. 'That's why on every long-haul flight we make sure there's always someone there to bring you a drink, make a snack, find an extra pillow or general-ly help make the night pass more comfortably. 'It's just another small way we try to help everyone arrive in better shape.'
Product positioning(产品定位法) 现在和你们谈谈“产品定位法“(product po-sitioning),意思是商品在消费者脑海里占的位置和形象。 例如当年七喜汽水推出时,可口可乐与百事可乐已雄霸市场。于是,广告公司就给它定位为Un-Coal(非可乐类饮品)。结果树立了清晰的形象。 再举一个例子:Dove美容皂40年前在美国推出时被定位为a toilet bar for women with dry skin, not as a soap to get you clean. 现在选一篇在美国杂志刊登的Dove广告,供读者研习地道英语写作方法。 大标题由一句问话开始,力求唤起注意:“What is soap doing to your face? Listen to women who stopped using it .' 内文列举了三段见证(testimony): 'You know that tight ,dry feeling you get after you wash soap?I didn't feel that with Dove.' 'When I stopped using soap and started using Dove,my face just wasn't dry anymore. I feel 20 years younger.' 'Soap made me feel like I had a mask on. Tight and pulling, Dove is 100% better than soaps.' 标语(slogan)就是:Dove doesn't dry like soap. Becuase Dove isn't soap. (转自中国翻译网) |