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下面我们再说说有关释意能力问题。 学习英语写作,我们应学会释义(Paraphrase).就是用不同的词语来表达或说明一个词或句的意思。表达要正确,这种能力在阅读时要注意培养。一是注意老师在讲解生词时的释义,二是用英英词典学习释义。学会释义能更好地克服从汉语出发抠汉语字眼的毛病。汉语中说“拖某人的后腿”其涵义是牵制、阻挠别人作某事。理解了这层含义,就可以根据不同的上下文来选择不同的英语来表达这个意思。如:"hold sb.back,be a drag on sb,blinder(impede,prevent)sb.from doingsth."等:学会释义,在用英语学习写作时遇到一些一时表达不出的思想时,就可以帮助我们越过词,句的障碍,去加以释义。 我们前面所谈到的都是练习用英语写作时要注意的一些基本问题,一般来说,练习写作是由开始的模仿性写作,到控制性写作(如改写文章、缩写文章、写提纲、复述等等)。写英文日记是练习英语写作的好办法,每天写几句。天长日久,笔头得到较多的锻炼。最后进入自由写作阶段。 三、组段 段落是文章中相对独立的一个部分。它通常由主旨句、扩展句和结尾句组成。例如: Bamboo has many uses.Many people use it to make chairs,tables,curtains,birdcages and so on.Its tender young shootscan be eaten.The soft pulp in side the stems can be made intoa fine paper.No wonder people say bamboo is a useful plant. 这段话共有五个句子。第一句是主旨句,说竹有许多用途。第二、三、四句是扩展句,说明竹有哪些用途。第五句是结尾句,说明竹是一种有用的植物。 下面分别谈主旨句、扩展句和结尾句的写法。 1.主旨句。主旨句揭示该段内容的中心,放在段落的开头。从修辞上看,主旨句宜用比较简洁的句子,使读者易于领会该段的主旨:下面这段话还未有主旨句,请同学们阅读之后从A、B、C、D中选一个做主旨句。 (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com) 主旨句。The hibenating animal's temperature drops to justover zero centigrade.It breathes only once every five minutes.It does not feel any pain.You can beat it without causing itto wake up.So hibernating animals look as if they were dead. A.As you know,hibernation is much deeper than a commonsleep. B.Animals need hibernation. C.Hibernation is a very deep sleep. D.How can hibernating animals sleep all through the winter? 上面B、D两句不能说明这段话的中心,不能做主旨句。A、C两句都能说明这段话的中心,但是A句不如C句简洁明了,所以用C句做这段话的主旨句最恰当。 2.扩展句。扩展句的内容必须围绕主旨句,支持主旨句。偏离主旨句的扩展句等于画蛇添足,应该删去。从修辞上看,几个扩展句如果能分别用简单句,并列句和复合句,则整个段落会显得生动一些,而不至于那么单调、呆板。下面这段话里,有一个扩展句是偏离主旨的,请同学们把它找出来。 It is easy to do this experiment.First,you get a giass ofwater and a pencil.Then you put the pencil into the water.Atthis time,you will see the pencil appears broken.Perhaps youhave once found this thing before.The expenment shows thatlight waves change speed when they go from air into water. 在这段话里,First..,Then...和At this time...这三个扩展句都是说明“这个实验很容易做”这个主旨的。但是Perhaps...这个句子偏离了这个主旨,它跟这个实验的做法无关,应该删去。 扩展句可以按照时间、方位、因果、对比、类别等关系来组织。例如上面这段话里的扩展句是以时间为序来安排的。“组段”的开头,说竹有很多用途那段话,是以方位(茎、根、髓)为序来安排扩展句的。 3.结尾句。结尾句是对主旨句的呼应,它通常导出扩展句所陈述的结果。下面这段话还没有结尾句,请同学们阅读之后,从A、B、C、D中选一句做它的结尾句。 How can we stop pollution?The most important thing is topass certain laws to prevent factories from sending out noise,poisonous gases and dirty water.Besides,we should protectforests and plant more trees.Meanwhile,every one of us mustpay close attention to public health and keep oursurroundings clean. A.In spite of all these measures,we still cannot defeatpollution. B.So pollution is a serious problem that needs all thesociety to care about. C.However,pollution will still exist and we must not letdown our guard against it D.In this way,we shall win the battle against pollution. 显然,D句与主旨句呼应最密切,它导出了立法、保护森林、植树、注意公共卫生和搞好环境清洁等措施的结果。所以,应该选D句做本段的结尾句。 四、谋篇 一篇文章应有比较完整的内容和结构。它通常包含引言段、扩展段和结论段。这和我们汉语作文的起、承、转、合是基本一致的。下面请读一篇论述时间的价值的文章。 The Value of Time A proverb says:"Time is money."But in my opinion,time is even more precious than money.Why?Because when money is spent,we can earn(赚)it back.However,when time is gone,it willnever return.This is the reason why we must value time. |
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