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  Make it the first object to be able to fix and hold your attention upon your studies.(把专心致志于学业,持久不懈,作为第一目标。)

  The fog made it difficult to calculate the distance.(雾迷了眼,看不出距离来。)


  1. It was glorious to acquire a place by justice, yet more glorious to prefer justice before a place.

  2. I have my own views about learning a language.I think it waste of time to acquire a greater knowledge than suffices me to read fluently and talk enough for the ordinary affairs of life.(Maugham)

  3. How far cards might have helped him here it is difficult to say.(Hugh Walpole)


  (a)It is difficult for him to do so.


  (b)I think it dfficult for him to do so.



  这是属于“it...不定词”同一形式的,“it”仍然是代表不定词的形式上的主语或宾语。翻译时必须把句中的不定词看作主动词,因为介词“for”的宾语是不定词的意味上的主语(sense subject),即宾语的“him”应译成主语才是。如果我们把填补词的“it”去掉,恢复原来应有的形式时,便成 To do so is difficult for him.这个“for him”,也可译成中文的“在他”,全句译为“要这样做,在他是有困难的”。但不如把“him”当作主语来译更加利落。

  这个“for”有时可以换为“of”,如 It was brave indeed,of you to attempt it.(你真大胆敢于去尝试一下。)何时要用“for”,何时要用“of”,依前面的那个形容词而定。如果那个形容词是指的一种行为的性质(the nature of an action),就要用“for”;如果那形容词是指的行为的性质,同时又指行为的人(the doer of an action),就要用“of”了。换句话说,单说行为的用“for”,说行为及行为者的用“of”,前者以“necessary”为例,后者以“kind”为例,造成句子,便是: (来源:英语麦当劳-英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

  (a)It is necessary for you to do so.

  (b)It is kind of you to do so.

  句中说的“kind of you”,可译为“你的行为是亲切的”,也就是说“行为者的你是亲切的”。句中说的“necessary for you”,可译为“你的行为是必要的”,却不能说什么“行为者的你”,即是:



  (b)句的意思是“他这样做是亲切的”,同时也是“这样做的人是亲切的”,但(a)句则只能说“这样做是必要的”,却不能说“这样做的人是必要的”,因为这样一来,变成必要的是“人”,而不是“事”了。我们只能改说成 You are kind to do so.不能改说成 You are necessary to do so.其理甚明。再举一例,以资比较:

  (a)It was impossible for him to go alone.

  (b)It was foolish of him to go alone.

  (a)句中的“impossible”,也和“necessary”一样,是指“事”而不是指“人”,所以要用非人称的“it”做主语,但(b)句中的“foolish”则和“kind”一样,既可指“事”,又可指“人”,说 It is foolish 既可以,说You are foolish 也可以,不过我们却不能说 It is foolish to do so.也不能说 It is foolish for you to do so.一定要说 It is foolish of you to do so.


  It is no time for me to hide anything.(Doyle)(什么东西都来不及藏起来。)

  It is time for us to start.(=that we should start)(现在是我们动身的时候了。)

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