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  It is an evil thing for a man to have suspicion.(Caxton)(人要怀疑是一件坏事。)

  It is not common for him to receive letters.(Doyle)(他接信是不平常的。)

  It is enough for me to say that some of its circumstances passed before my own eyes.(Dickens)(关于我亲眼看见许多这样的情形的事,我已经说得够了。)

  It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.(Luke,xviii, 25)(骆驼穿过针的眼,比财主进上帝的国,还容易呢。)

  How was it possible for so great a commerce to flourish?(Gissing)(这样大的贸易怎么可以兴隆呢。)


  1. It is so very difficult for a sick man not to be a scoundrel.(Dr Johnson)

  2. It is not supposed to be easy for women to rise to the height of taking the large free view of anything—anything which calls for action.

  3. It is foolish of him to set himself to perform an impossibility.

  4. It is not good for a man to be alone.

  5. It was wrong of you to borrow his bicycle without asking his permission.

  6. I think it wise of him not to accept their offer.

  (40)“depend on”的两种用法

  (a)He depends on his pen for his living.


  (b)Success depends on perseverance.



  英文的“depend on”或“depend upon”,由主语不同而发生意义上的差异。如(a)例以“人”为主语时,便有“依靠”,“信赖”的意思,如(b)例以“物”为主语时,则意为“以…为据”,“凭…而定”,“由…为转移”,“恃乎”。关于“depend”一字,另外还有两个惯用句,即① depend upon it.= You may be certain;I assure you.(你可以相信;请你确信;我可担保。)例如:The school boy is very idle and heedless now;but depent upon it,he will some day regret his idleness.(那学童现很懒惰又不用心,不过我可担保将来总有一天他会后悔的。)② That depends (on circumstances).(视情形而定;视情形如何,难以逆料。) (来源:英语聊天室 http://chat.EnglishCN.com)


  He is not to be depended upon.(他不可靠。)

  Chinese varsity men mostly depend on their parents for support,but American college boys are independent of them.(中国大学生仰给父母;美国大学生自己工读。)

  We depend on the newspaper for daily news.(我们靠报纸得知每日新闻。)

  I shall have to depend on you to do it.(我只得仰仗足下来做。)

  He no longer depends on his father.(他早已不靠父亲了。)

  I cannot depend on your promise unless you give me the necessary security.(除非你提出必要的保证,否则,我是不能信赖你的诺言的。)

  His departure depends on the weather.(他何时动身要凭天气而定。)

  The effect depends on the cause.(结果由于原因。有因始有果。)

  Everything depends on the amount of money given.(凡事皆凭金钱的多少而定。凡事以财力大小而定。)

  The sale depends on the quality.(销路决于品质。以货色的优劣而决定销路的大小。)

  Victory does not always depend on numbers.(精兵不在多。)


  1. A man must so train his habit as to rely upon his own powers and depend upon his own courage in moment of pressing necessity.

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