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6. Slacking on exercise.

懒于运动 (来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

You DO have enough time to exercise. If you say otherwise, you’re lying to yourself. The truth is you don’t have time not to, or sooner or later you’ll be making time for illness.


At least 30 minutes of exercise every day has been proven on countless occasions by countless medical studies to increase the strength, happiness and longevity of human lives. You’re talking about three and a half hours a week. That’s hardly seems an excessive amount of time considering the tremendous benefits in terms of the impact on the remaining 164.5 hours of the week.

无数的医学研究证明,每天至少锻炼30分钟会增强体力、提升幸福感、延长寿命。每天30分钟,一周三个半小时。 想想你能在一周内剩下的那164.5小时获得的大量益处,这点儿时间绝不算多。

7. Overindulgence of a good thing.


Eating too much makes you fat. Spending too much money makes you broke. Working too much leaves your family at home missing you. Playing too much leaves important work undone… And so on and so forth.


Happiness depends on the balancing act of applying your positive resources equally to the hungry deficits in your life. All details aside, the important thing to remember is this: Long-term happiness is never found in one good thing; it is a combination, it is a balanced lifestyle.


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