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Easier said than done. 说易行难。 The greatest talkers are always the least doers. 大言不惭的总是行动最少的人。 The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 布丁好坏,一尝便知;空谈不如实践。 Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。 Pride goes before destruction. 骄者必败。 Pride goeth before, and shame cometh after. 骄傲走在前,羞耻跟在后。 Pride and grace dwelt never in one place. 傲慢和温雅,永难住一处。 He that climbs high falls heavily. 爬得高,跌得重。 Pride must be pinched. 骄傲应收敛。 The more noble the more humble. 越高贵,越应谦逊。 Humility often gains more than pride. 谦逊常比傲慢受益更多。 He who imagines that he has knowledge enough has none. 自命万事通,腹中常空空。 No man is the worst for knowing the worst of himself. 人并不因为他自知很差就是很差。 Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak. 骄傲可能会潜藏在穿旧的斗篷下。 It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride. 用慷慨激昂的言语攻击傲慢并不是谦逊的标志。 He that is full of himself is very empty. 自满之人腹内空。 Honesty is the best policy. 诚实为上策。 An honest man's word is as good as his bond. 诚实人的诺言实际上就是他的保证书。 Poor but honest. 虽贫穷,要诚实。 Honesty may be dear bought, but can never be an ill pennyworth. 高价买诚实,永远也值得。 Knavery may serve, but honesty is best. 欺诈可能有用,诚实却是上策。 Every man has his weak side. 人人都有自己的弱点。 He who has no shame has no conscience. 不知羞耻的人不知自疚。 An honest look coverlet many faults. 一副诚实的外表掩盖着许多缺点。 Once a knave, ever a knave. 一次成无赖,永远是无赖。 A crafty knave needs no broker. (来源:www.EnglishCN.com) 狡猾的无赖不需要有中间人。 The honest penny is better than the stolen dollar. 正当得到的一分钱胜于偷来的一元钱。 One penny with right is better than a thousand without right. 合法取得的一辨士,胜于非法取得的一千辨士。 The unrighteous penny corrupts the righteous pound. 不正当得来的辨士使正当得来的英镑也受到沾污。 When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window. 贫穷一进门,爱情跳窗走。 Faults are thick while love is thin. 一朝情义淡,样样不顺眼。 Hatred is blind as well as love. 爱情和仇恨,二者皆盲目。 Marriage is a lottery. 婚姻是一桩难于预测的事。 Marry thy like. 跟你情投意合的人结婚。 Marriage makes or mars a man. 婚姻成全人,也能损害人。 It is good to marry late or never. 晚婚或不婚,都是好事情。 Early wed, early dead. 早婚者早夭。 They that marry in green, their sorrow is soon seen. 年纪轻轻就结婚,为时不久便悔恨。 A young man married is a man that's marred. 男子早婚,种下祸根。 Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. 匆匆结婚,时时悔恨。 Marry in lent, and you'll live to repent. 借债结婚,一生悔恨。 He that marries for wealth, sells his liberty. 为财富而结婚的人,出卖了自己的自由。 An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. 不良的婚姻是恶运的来源。 Who marrieth for love without money, hath good nights and sorry days. 为了爱情,无钱结婚,夜来欢娱,白天悔恨。 If you always say "NO", never be married. 常常说“不”字,永远难结婚。 Honest men marry soon, wise men not at all. 老实的人早成婚,聪明的人不结婚。 A good wife and health is a man's best wealth. 贤妻和健康是男子的至宝。 A good wife makes a good husband. 有好妻子就有好丈夫;妻贤夫自良。 Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye. 选择妻子,最好用耳不用眼。 Better be half hanged than ill wed. 与其成怨偶,不如守单身。 He who does not honour his wife,dishonours himself. 不尊重自己妻子的人,自己也不会受人尊重。 The calmest husbands make the stormiest wives. 有懦弱的丈夫,就有凶悍的妻子。 |