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Mr. William Danford
Assistant Vice President
Eastman Kodak
400 Eastman Way
Rochester, NY 09876

Dear Bill:

Can I ask a favor of an old fraternity brother?

You see, in one way or another, this volatile economy affects us all -- and now it's my turn. Yes, I'm one of the 2400 loyal employees Camji has just laid off. So now I'm exploring options in our industry, including the possibility of launching a business of my own.

Your advice and perspective, Bill, would be very helpful to me as I decide what my next step will be. I'd appreciate it if you could spare some time to share your thoughts with me.

On the 25th of this month, I'll be in your area and would love to buy you lunch. I'll call next week to see if this is convenient.

Thanks in advance -- hope to see you.

All best,



Mr. Martin Dupree
Southwestern Technologies
6700 Industry Circle
Dallas, TX 09876

Dear Mr. Dupree:

It was with great alarm that I read in today's Wall Street Journal that you are forced to curtail your in-house promotional capabilities. Undoubtedly, today's economy wreaks havoc without regard for individuals, families, or profits. Despite this unfortunate situation, may I offer a glimmer of hope?

With reduced staff and financial resources, it becomes ever more essential to generate free publicity, and to do so requires an expert.

I can deliver this critical service without an office at your headquarters, without an administrative assistant on your payroll, without costly health care benefits. For a modest per-project fee, I am available to identify newsworthy developments, to draft press releases and place them with appropriate media representatives for maximum, free exposure.

Mr. Dupree, in today's rollercoaster economy, the need for publicity is more vital than ever. Don't let your firm drop from sight -- or worse, receive only the negative attention that results from a story such as today's Journal piece. I will call shortly to follow up.


Lydia Bruner
(555) 456-7890


Ms. Erica Martin
Schaeffer Industries
1442 Lansing Street
Detroit, Michigan 09876

Dear Erica:

It is hard to believe how long it has been since we have been able to sit down and talk. How about scheduling lunch (on me) before another day passes? Here's my ulterior motive right up front: I have a thought on which I'd love to get your advice.

Since we started working together over a decade ago things have changed dramatically. Technology, people, places and things seem to be in a constant state of flux. (I suppose this is what makes life interesting.) Through this flux, my firm has remained alive and well, continuing to break new ground in the world of electronic design. Nevertheless, I have been giving some thought to relinquishing the freedom of self-employment for the security of a staff position.

Perhaps, in your travels through the winding roads of corporate America, you may have heard what firms are hiring? If any? Are companies likely to outsource design projects or acquire staff with an eye towards cutting costs? These are the questions I'll need to answer before making my decision. I know your viewpoint will be beneficial.

I'll call you early next week to set up a lunch date. Can't wait to see you.


Beth Wadell


Ms. R. Susan Shapiro
The J.J. Budd Catalog Company
800 Budd Promenade
Stonington, CT 09876

Dear Ms. Shapiro:

You may recall that last May I had the pleasure of working with you when you were at AmeriBrands for several weeks. I was delighted to hear from our mutual friend, Mark Miller, that you might be looking to hire a telemarketing sales supervisor.

No one can dispute J.J. Budd's supremacy in its field. I believe, as I am sure you do, that superior telemarketing is an integral part of J.J. Budd's continued success. After four very successful years at AmeriBrands I am now looking for new challenges in the telemarketing industry. I would like a chance to be part of your telemarketing sales team -- and to achieve for J.J. Budd the impressive results I have attained for AmeriBrands:

As my resume indicates, during my 4 years as a Sales Manager with AmeriBrands, I consistently earned a place on the list of Top Ten Sales Managers. I also trained and ran the farm data TSR team that achieved the lowest cost per order among three competing vendors.

For a number of months, I have worked with Mark Miller. Mark can vouch for my abilities to motivate TSRs and achieve high sales at a low cost. Please feel free to talk with him. (Mark's number at work is 800-555-7654 extension 123.)

I will give you a call in the next day or two to see if there is a convenient time we can meet to discuss how my accomplishments might benefit you and The J.J. Budd Catalog Company.

Very truly yours,

Raj Rammanvihal
(555) 765-4321


Ms. Nelda S. Wilcox
Anderson Industries
98-761 Tremaine Avenue
Portland, ME 09876

Dear Ms. Wilcox:

Thank you for your warm response to my cold call! It is gratifying to know that there are, indeed, executives who remember their own early career struggles.

As promised, I've enclosed my resume and a list of my accomplishments. Any advice you can offer on the presentation of both would be most appreciated -- as is your kind offer to introduce me to your colleagues.

Together, my education and experience equip me to quickly grasp the intricacies of the business world. My talents allow me to apply this knowledge to the ways in which I can most directly contribute to your profitability and performance.

I will follow up shortly to discuss your reaction to the enclosed materials. Thank you again for your consideration.


Brita Porthanoy
(555) 765-4321


Ms. Judith L. Seifert
Redfield Industries
43980 Corporate Park
Elizabeth, New Jersey 09876

Dear Ms. Seifert:

Redfield Industries' striking profit margins have captured the attention of everyone in the business world -- and I am no exception. Congratulations!

Although the story behind this tremendous growth has been told over and over by the media, no one has focused on your contributions, Ms. Seifert.

As staff writer for State University's respected daily newspaper, I would like to focus on your perspective as a female executive, and the unique way in which you have contributed to Redfield's success. Rest assured, I will not waste your time. Not only have I done my research on the company's track record, I am also a chemistry major with a special interest in the groundbreaking innovations Redfield Industries has introduced in air purification systems, in which you played a key role.

I would be honored if you could spare some time from your busy schedule to speak with me. I will call you shortly to see when we might meet.

Thank you in advance for your time.


Marla S. Pirski
(555) 456-7890


Ms. Helen Muir
FronTech Systems, Inc.
605 Technology Drive
Columbus, OH 09876

Dear Helen:

When I heard through the grapevine that you had joined FronTech, I was thrilled for you! I know that you've been anxious to find the ideal position, and I truly hope that this is it.

Although FronTech has a sterling reputation, I know that you'll find some way to improve its standing. After what you achieved for MVRS, I can only say that the competition had better look out!

And, Helen, since I currently work for one of those very competitors, I thought this might be the perfect time for us to be on the same team. (After all, if I can't beat you I might as well join you.) If you are or will be in the position to add to your staff, I hope you'll keep me in mind. As you know, my track record is exceptional, my achievements legendary, and my motivation as strong as ever. (OK, so my modesty needs work.)

Before you get ensconced in management meetings, let me buy you lunch. We'll celebrate your new job and explore what the future may bring. My treat.

I'll call you next week.


Ruth Miller-Syms
(555) 456-7890


Mr. Alan Wang
Wang, Malone and Lee
2468 South Terrace
Grand Rapids, MI 09876

Dear Mr. Wang:

I am writing you at the suggestion of my father, Jon Omura, with whom you are a member of the Winchester Club. My father has spoken highly of your firm's summer internship program and, as a result, I would like to explore this unusual opportunity further.

For a Business major like myself, such a program would offer valuable hands-on experience in the real world. More importantly, the chance to learn from experts such as those you employ is the chance of a lifetime.

Mr. Wang, would it be possible for you or one of your colleagues to spare some time to speak with me about your unique summer program? I have attached my resume to assure you of my strong qualifications.

I will take the liberty of contacting your assistant, Michael Fields, next Tuesday morning to see whether I might set up an appointment.

I thank you in advance and send my dad's greetings.


Jason Omura
(555) 456-7890


Mr. Barry Fine
Director of Training
United Manufacturing Company
5200 Milton Park
Lincoln, NE 09876

Dear Barry:

What a thrill it was to participate in your Productivity Seminar last week. My congratulations on a highly informative and very entertaining presentation. I am quite certain that if my department placed as much emphasis on our clients' perceptions as you do on presentation materials, we would be far more productive!

Which is exactly what leads me to write to you. Observing you in action reminded me of my past life in training. Through repeated promotions, I have been elevated away from my real loves: instructing, encouraging, identifying, and then developing potential among bright, eager minds. I guess the more I crunch numbers, the more I lose sight of the people producing them, and it's been long enough.

Barry, before I leap, I should make sure there's water in the pool, so to speak. Here's the deal: I buy you lunch, you endow me with your view of the training game. I would really be grateful to hear your views. I'll give you a call next week to see whether you can make the time for me.

And thanks again for a stirring presentation.


Shirl Rebrussin


Mr. Perry Alban
Jones, Miller and Roberstson
5376 Valley Drive
San Bernadino, CA 09876

Dear Perry:

It's been a while since we've seen one another. I hope all is well with you, Linda, and your two spunky boys!

You may have heard that I recently married and now have a baby on the way -- and this is why I'm writing. Now that I am a family man myself, I am searching for a position in the restaurant/hospitality business that is more career-oriented, one that offers benefits and security.

As part of my search, I am writing to my colleagues and friends to see whether anyone might be aware of hiring activity, either current or planned. If so, I would be grateful if you could pass my name along -- or let me know who to contact.

Perry, after 20 years in the business together, you know my broad-based experience and the skills I offer. I am an industrious worker who takes interest in my work and pride in my performance.

Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

All best,

Lincoln H. Nelar
(555) 456-7890 home

Resume enclosed


Ms. Annabelle Tisi
Economic Forecasting Association
350 North Wacker
Chicago, IL 09876

Dear Ms. Tisi:

As a 10 year member of the EFA, I am writing with the hope that our organization might assist me in my job search.

I am an experienced agricultural economist, with a specialty in soy and soy byproducts, seeking employment in either the private or public sector. I realize, of course, that I am not alone in my quest. However, as a prolific author, I can offer my employer a very high level of positive visibility within the industry.

Ms. Tisi, I would appreciate any advice you can offer. Does EFA, for example, maintain a job bank? Do you run a referral service? Perhaps you or an associate know of someone with whom I might speak for additional advice.

I would welcome any suggestions you can offer. Along with my resume and a list of my published works, I've enclosed a stamped, self-addressed envelope in case there are any EFA materials you can send to me. To make matters even easier for you, I will plan to call you next week.

For your interest and assistance, I am deeply grateful.

Your fellow member,

Anthony Amend
(555) 765-4321 work
(555) 456-7890 home


Ms. Nancy McCauley
Arlington Data Products
36 Kennedy Street
Arlington, Virginia 09876

Dear Ms. McCauley:

A mutual acquaintance, Shirley Louis, recommended that I contact you for advice. I am currently exploring the possibility of entering the data processing field after 12 years in medical equipment sales. With your expertise in data processing and your recent experience entering this field, you have insight that could prove extremely valuable to me.

I've enclosed my resume, which details my skills and background, along with a list of my accomplishments. I expect that several of my strengths will be quite transferable, such as attention to detail and the ability to work with complex technology. I would welcome your views on this observation, as well.

Knowing how busy you are, I would be most grateful if you could spare a few moments of your day for me. I will call your office shortly to arrange a meeting at a time that is convenient for you.

With appreciation,

Ethan Nichols
(555) 456-7890 extension 45


Ms. Angela Reese
Staffing Director
Massachusetts Municipal Hospital
1840 Wilmont Avenue
Shireville, MA 09876

Dear Ms. Reese:

I am writing at the suggestion of Francis Myers, a maternity nurse on your staff and a close friend of mine. Francis thought that your needs and my talents would fit ideally, and that we should meet.

By way of introduction, let me explain that I am returning to nursing after a three-year absence. During this time, I had a son and relocated to the Boston area. Now that I have made arrangements for day care, I am seeking to put my skills back to work where they are needed: in a Burn Unit. My solid training and in-depth experience have both focused on the care of burn victims and I would like to return to my nursing specialty as soon as possible.

I will take the liberty of calling you next week to see if we might meet. If you would be kind enough to leave word with your assistant, I will schedule a meeting at your convenience. In the meantime, I thank you in advance for your consideration.


Elizabeth Morris
(555) 765-4321


Mr. William M. Mackey
Assistant Treasurer
CitiTrust Bank
505 Pratt Street
Wilmington, Delaware 09876

Dear Bill:

What a small world! Ten years ago, you and I worked at United Savings and now our paths have crossed again. It was great seeing you at the Clearinghouse luncheon last week; I appreciate your offer to pass my name along to your EFT people.

To this end, I've enclosed my resume which details the considerable experience I've enjoyed in funds transfer, including my key role in the development of EFT systems for two major commercial banks.

As you no doubt recognize, this kind of hands-on expertise can prove immensely valuable for you and for CitiTrust. It means that I am equipped not only to forecast the challenges that lie ahead as our industry continues to evolve, but also to create the innovative solutions demanded of those banks that will succeed in the years to come.

I am making plans to visit Wilmington from the 5th through the 15th of next month and would love to get together with you. I will call your office shortly to set up a meeting.

Thanks again, Bill, for your interest.


Carolyn Marie


Ms. Delilah Vimond
The Artists Alliance
15 Center Park Drive
Oakhurst, IL 09876

Dear Ms. Vimond:

Because you graciously added your name to State University's Alumni Career Network, I am writing with the hope that you might spare a few minutes to advise a fellow alumnus.

I earned my BS in Accounting at State, and have since enjoyed a successful career in the sales and marketing of consumer electronics and telecommunications. Now, I would like to bring the benefits this solid background offers to a new field. Your role in the arts community, Ms. Vimond, could provide a perspective on this transition that would be of great value to me.

Because I would appreciate the opportunity to gain some of your insight, I will take the liberty of calling you next week to see if we might meet or simply speak on the phone. In the meantime, I have enclosed my resume to provide details.

I am grateful for your willingness to help fellow State graduates. I thank you in advance for helping me, in particular.

Most sincerely,

Bill Johnson
(555) 765-4321


Ms. Constance O'Neill
The New Orleans Symphony Orchestra
80 Newtown Square
New Orleans, LA 09876

Dear Ms. O'Neill:

Meeting you was a real pleasure. Thank you for spending so much time with me, particularly on a Friday evening. I truly appreciate the advice you gave me and the contacts you offered.

Since our meeting, I have reworked my resume according to your recommendations; a copy is enclosed with this letter. I am thrilled with the new emphasis and have forwarded it to Maestro Richard Allen at City Orchestra, as you suggested. I will let you know the results of these efforts.

Ms. O'Neill, I am dismayed that you are not currently able to hire an Assistant. Not only would it be a pleasure to work with you, but I am certain that my corporate background could open new doors for The New Orleans Symphony Orchestra. Should my experience produce the level of additional funding I anticipate, the position of Assistant would certainly pay for itself!

Ever the optimist, I will keep in touch with you in the event the Orchestra's financial status improves.
Thank you again for your kind assistance.

With best regards,

Anna Rodriguez
Work Phone
Home Phone


Mr. Colin Curtis
Executive Vice President
NationsTrust Bancorporation
Chicago, IL 09876

Dear Mr. Curtis:

When last we met, we spent some time discussing the inviolability of the Glass-Steagal Act. Lo and behold, just three short months later, our legislators are considering overturning this venerable standard!

Therefore, I thought you'd be interested in seeing the enclosed article, featured in the Economist's current issue, which analyzes the effect such a dramatic move would have on banks' consumer investment base. Obviously, now is the time to devise proactive strategies to keep this profitable market from eroding, and the article highlights the actions several financial institutions have already taken.

Mr. Curtis, I thought of you immediately upon reading this article because I found our discussion so enlightening. I also appreciate the interest you expressed at that time in my attempts to further my career. I am continuing my search and will keep you informed. In the meantime, should your firm's hiring freeze be lifted, I hope you will think of me. Your organization has been at the top of my wish list for years, and, after meeting you, I am certain that our association would be immensely productive for us both.

Thank you again for your interest.

All best,

Pauline Sinclair
(555) 765-4321


Mr. James J. Milstein
Assistant Treasurer
Chase Manhattan Bank
14 Chase Plaza
New York, NY 09876

Dear Mr. Milstein:

It was a pleasure meeting you at last week's Retirement Seminar. The amount of work that went into preparing such an informative program was evident and well spent, I can assure you. Your presenters held the interest of each participant, and clearly described the products and services your firm offers.

Given my background and interest in this dynamic area of financial services, I believe that I may be able to offer your firm something of value in return. As the enclosed resume demonstrates, my track record with prospective customers is a proven one; over the last 16 months, I have increased our company's sales of retirement planning services by 22%!

Mr. Milstein, this is the growth potential I would like to offer a leading firm such as yours. If there is any advice or recommendation you could offer, I would be most grateful. I will take the liberty of calling you shortly to see to whom I should address my credentials at Chase.

Again, my thanks for a most enjoyable seminar and for any assistance you can provide.

With appreciation,

Peter Anselmo
(555) 456-7890
(来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

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