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(c)名词的用法(Noun Use) 他有审美的眼光。 He has an eye for the beautiful. 阔人也有他们的苦恼。 The rich have their troubles too. 级长阻止强者欺侮弱者。 The monitors hinder the strong from bullying the weak. 她是一个俗气的富婆。 She’s one of the vulgar rich.(Gissing) 他对周围老少的人群投以一瞥。 He cast a look at the crowd of old and young about him.(对称时可略去冠词) (d)副词的用法(Adverbial Use) 他们平安到达了。 They arrived safe.(=They were safe when they arrived.句中的 safe 为补语) 红颜薄命。 He died young.(=He was young when he died.句中的 young为补语) 我很想对你做得诚实一点。 I want to act honest with you. 看得轻松一点吧。 Take it easy. 我大为吓倒了。 I’m awful frightened. 那会很合我的式。 That will suit me fine. (e)同格的用法(Appositive Use) 一个饥饿疲惫的猎户睡在床上。 A hunter,hungry and exhausted, slept on the bed. 他又忧伤又疲倦,慢慢地走回家去了。 Sad and weary,he slowly walked home. 他老是神经过敏,这时尤其如此。 Always sensitive,he was especially so at this moment.(Gissing) 她的面貌虽不难看却很平凡。 Her features,though not plain,were insignificant.(Austen) 仍然是绿的叶子被风吹得从灌木篱笆上飘落下来。 The leaves,still green,were tossed off the hedgerow trees by the wind. (B)用副词的,又可分为(a)修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,(b)修饰名词或代名词,(c)修饰副词片语,(d)修饰全句,(e)作形容词用,(f)作名词用,(g)作补语用七种译法。 (来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com) (a)修饰动词、形容词或其他副词: 她听了那笑话开心地大笑。 She laughed heartily at the joke. 我现在已准备好了。 I am ready now. 她英语说得非常好。 She speaks English remarkably well. (b)修饰名词或代名词: 这事小孩子也能做。 Even a child can do it. 圣人也不免有过。 Even Homer sometimes nods. 只有你能猜。 Only you can guess. 已有大批人聚集在那里了。 Quite a crowd had already gathered there. 唯有约翰知道这事。 John alone knows about it. 你还要什么? What else do you want? 我也有烦心的事。 I, too, have troubles. (c)修饰副词片语: 我们及时到达。 We arrived just in time. 我在战争结束后随即来到新加坡。 I came to Singapore soon after the war. 正十时关大门。 The gate is shut exactly at 10 o’clock. 他差不多快渡过河去了。 He is almost across the river. 他旅行了世界一周。 He has traveled entirely around the world. (d)修饰全句: 简单地说,事实就是这样。 Briefly the facts are these. 很幸运地我去时他正在家。 Fortunately I found him at home. 确实你是错了。 Certainly you are in the wrong. 他愚笨地把那鹅杀了。 He foolishly killed the goose. 那真是一个好计划。 That is an excellent plan indeed. (e)作形容词用: