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  The items purchased by the Buyer shall be delivered  C.I.F.  _________ in accordance with INCOTERMS 1990. Therefore, the risk  of  loss  for  the items purchased by the Buyer shall be borne by the Seller until the  items are delivered to the export carrier. After delivery of the items purchased by the Buyer to the export carrier, the title and risk  of  loss  for  the items purchased by the Buyer shall pass to the Buyer. (来源:英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

  8. Acceptance Tests and Acceptance

  (a) Acceptance testing of the  System  shall  be  in  accordance  with Seller’s Acceptance Test  Procedure.  Seller  or  its  designated  service provider shall conduct the acceptance tests in accordance with  said  Test Procedure. If any such test is  not  Successfully  Completed  (as  defined below), Seller or its designated service provider shall evaluate the  test and make any adjustments or corrections of the System as  will  result  in performance of the System in accordance  with  the  Specifications.  Buyer shall be given reasonable prior notice of the  commencement  of,  and  the reasonable opportunity to observe, all such tests.

  (b) The term “Successful Completion”, when used in this Contract  with respect to any test, means successful completion of such test  as  defined in the particular test procedure and all references  to  test  denote  the tests in Seller’s Acceptance Test Procedure.

  (c) Acceptance of the System (“Acceptance”) for purposes  of  Annex  C shall be deemed  to  have  occurred  when  all  tests  set  forth  in  the Acceptance Test Procedure for the system at  Buyer’s  facility  have  been Successfully completed.

  (d) Seller represents and warrants that it will  deliver  to  Buyer  a complete, correct and valid system, capable of accomplishing the technical targets  specified  in  Product   Description   and   Specifications,   as demonstrated by Successful Completion of the  Acceptance  testing  of  the System. Successful Completion shall be deemed as conclusive proof that the System is complete, correct and valid, and capable  of  accomplishing  the technical targets set forth in the Specifications.

  9. Shipment in Place and Qualified Acceptance

  (a) In the event that the System or any  part  thereof  is  ready  for shipment or installation in accordance with the dates set forth in Annex B and such shipment or installation is delayed more than _________  calendar days pursuant to Buyer’s request or because Buyer is unable to provide the necessary  facilities,  test  equipment  or  resources  for   receipt   or installation of the System, Seller may, at Seller’s option,  notify  Buyer that the System or any part thereof is being treated  as  though  actually shipped, delivered and installed (“Shipped in Place”)。 In addition,  Buyer shall reimburse Seller for all storage  or  other  expenses  which  Seller incurs by reason of such delay.

  (b) __________ days following notice of Shipment in Place Seller shall be entitled to invoice Buyer in accordance  with  the  payment  terms  set forth in Annex C hereto (i) for one hundred percent of the purchase  price for commercial __________ system Shipped in Place, and (ii)  with  respect to Systems, the amount that would have been due had  the  System  actually been shipped, with the balance to be invoiced upon Acceptance.

  (c) Qualified acceptance by Buyer of the System or any portion thereof(“Qualified Acceptance”) shall occur at any time, either before  or  after the scheduled shipment or installation dates set forth in Annex B,

  i) upon determination by  Buyer,  and  written  notification  to Seller, that the System, is suitable to commence the operations for  which Buyer intends to use it; or

  ii) that the System has commenced the operations for which Buyer intends to use it.

  (d) Qualified Acceptance shall have the same consequences as those set forth in Section 8 (b) above except that the amount due for Systems  shall be the difference between the amount paid to date and _________ percent of the amount that would have been due upon Acceptance, with the  balance  to be invoiced upon Acceptance.

  (e) Neither Shipment in Place nor Qualified Acceptance  shall  relieve Seller from any of its responsibilities  under  this  Contract,  including Successful Completion of the Acceptance Tests and correction of defects or deficiencies in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof.

  10. Taxes

  (a) Any and all taxes, levies, customs  duties,  sales,  use,  excise,value added and similar taxes to be levied on the Buyer in connection with the performance of this Contract for the sale  of  goods  and  repair  and installation services, which are now existing or which may be  hereinafter imposed by any People’s Republic of China governmental  entity,  shall  be borne and paid by the Buyer.

  (b) All taxes in  connection  with  the  execution  of  this  Contract imposed by any People’s Republic  of  China  governmental  entity  on  the Seller, and all taxes in connection with the execution  of  this  Contract imposed by any ___________ governmental entity on the Buyer, in accordance with the tax laws which are now  existing  or  which  may  be  hereinafter imposed and the Agreement between the Government of ____________  and  the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the Avoidance  of  Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with  Respect  to  Taxes  on Income, shall be borne and paid by the Seller and Buyer, respectively.

  (c) With regard to Section  10  (b)  above,  the  Seller  shall  remit payment for such taxes to the relevant Chinese tax authorities through the Buyer within _______ working days after the Seller is in receipt of one(1) original certificate (invoice) for the taxes  levied  by  the  Chinese taxation authorities. The Buyer shall remit payment for such taxes to  the relevant ___________ tax authorities through  the  Seller  within  _______ working days after the Buyer is in receipt of one (1) original certificate(invoice) for the taxes levied by the ___________ taxation authorities.

  (d) Any and all taxes, levies, customs  duties,  sales,  use,  excise,value added and similar taxes to be levied on  the  Seller  in  connection with the performance of this Contract for the sale of goods and repair and installation services, which are now existing or which may be  hereinafter imposed by any _________ governmental entity, shall be borne and  paid  by the Seller.

  11. Operating Manuals and Other Materials/Training

  (a) Seller shall provide with each Commercial ________ system , one(1) User’s Guide.

  (b) Seller shall provide Buyer with three (3) copies of all  operating manuals  and  installation  instructions  for  the  System,  as  well   as maintenance manuals.

  (c) Prior to installation of the System, Seller shall provide  Buyer’s employees with a training course in the use of the System , as well as  in computer management techniques.

  Furthermore,  these  employees  shall  observe  the  Acceptance  Test Procedure (ATP)。

  The training course and ATP described in this  Article  11  (c)  shall take place over a ________  day  period  at  the  Seller’s  facilities  in _____________, and all related expenses shall be borne by the Seller.

  (d) Following installation of the System,  Seller  or  its  designated service provider shall provide to Buyer’s employees a training  course  of up to ________ days in duration on-site at Buyer’s facility.

  12. System Warranties

  (a) Seller represents and warrants that it is the owner, or beneficial licensee, of all intellectual property rights herein licensed,  leased  or sold to Buyer, and that it has the right to license,  lease  or  sell  the same to Buyer. Seller warrants that  the  System  and  all  equipment  and related software furnished under this Contract  (except  for  the  Control Computer (s) and Control Computer (s) operating system software), shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year after date of Acceptance, except with respect to Commercial  and  Consumer _________ system, for which the period shall extend for one (1) year after date of shipment. During such period Seller shall repair  or  replace  and reinstall at Buyer’s premises the System or any defective portion  thereof without charge. Seller’s warranty does not cover the Control  Computer  or the Control Computer’s operating system software included in  the  System,but Seller shall assign any outstanding manufacturer’s warranty thereof to Buyer, to the extent assignable. If there is  no  such  assigned  warranty that extends one (1) year beyond Acceptance,  Seller  shall  purchase,  in lieu of warranty, for the benefit of Buyer and as  part  of  the  purchase price, an extended hardware and software  maintenance  contract  for  such Control Computer and operating system software which maintenance  contract shall extend for a one (1) year period after acceptance. If any repair  or replacement results from a defect not covered  by  the  warranty  or  from causes other than normal usage and regular installation, Buyer  shall  pay Seller for all labor and materials (including travel expenses) provided by Seller in its attempt to remedy such deficiency.

  (b) The warranties set forth herein shall apply only to  items  which,after regular installation and under normal usage, are found to have  been defective within the warranty period. Such warranties shall not  apply  to items  that  have  been  modified  or  altered  without  Seller’s  written approval, or  have  been  subjected  to  abuse,  accident,  negligence  or improper application.

  (c) The  warranties  set  forth  herein  are  in  lieu  of  all  other warranties as to performance of the system, express or implied,  including without limitation any implied warranties of  merchantability  or  fitness for a particular purpose. Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any breach by Seller of any of the warranties set forth herein shall be for Seller to make  such  repairs  and/or  replacements  necessary   to   fulfill   such warranties. in no event shall seller be liable  for  any  loss  of  audio,video or data signals, interruption of business, or special,  indirect  or consequential damages of any kind or nature whatsoever. Seller  shall  not be responsible for delays in performing its obligations under this Article resulting from Buyer’s negligence or fault.

  13. Nonwarranty Repairs and Spares Support

  (a) Until the earlier of (i) _______ years from the Acceptance of  the System, or (ii) the date Buyer Ceases to Operate the System, Seller  shall offer to provide repair services and/or spare parts for the System(“Support Period”), it being understood that Seller’s  charges  for  spare parts and/or repairs not covered by warranty shall  be  at  Seller’s  then current time and material  rates  or  spare  parts  prices  and  shall  be invoiced as soon as work involved  is  completed.  Seller  shall  have  no obligation hereunder or otherwise to provide further spare parts or repair services to any person that has failed to pay promptly for any such  spare parts or repairs.

  (b) Subsequent to the Support Period, Seller may discontinue  offering spare parts and/or repair services for the System  upon  _________  months prior  written  notice  to  Buyer  of  Seller’s  intended  discontinuance,provided however, that Seller, at Seller’s option, either  (i)  grants  to Buyer a nonexclusive license to make or have made for Buyer’s own use  and not for sale any such System components (exclusive of the Control Computer and its operating system  software)  and  furnishes  Buyer  all  necessary documentation, specifications, drawings and other  data,  or  (ii)  allows Buyer the opportunity to purchase sufficient quantities of spare parts  as Buyer deems necessary to maintain and support the System.

  (c) For purposes of this Contract, Buyer shall cease  to  operate  the system if Buyer does not use the System furnished by Seller as part of the regular use on a regularly used satellite transponder to encode and decode signals.

  14. Extended Maintenance

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