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  2、Any break-away with the tradition can be classified (归类) into modernism. (来源:http://www.EnglishCN.com)

  3、Modernism looks at the men‘s position in a fresh new way. (全新的方式)

  —→ 重新看待人在宇宙中的地位(第一次17世纪,第二次Modernism)

  二、What are the specialties of modernism? (特征)

  1、 Modernism has been called “the tradition of the new”。 It was characterized by a conscious (有意识的) rejection (排斥) of established rules, traditions and convention (常规)。

  2、Modernism has also been called the “dehumanization (失去人性的) of art”。 It pushed into (借鉴了) the background traditional humanistic notions (人文主义的观点) of the individual and society.

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