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颁布日期:20050328  实施日期:20050401  颁布单位:财政部、 国家税务总局 (来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

  Cai Shui [2005] No.57

  The finance bureaus (departments) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, cities directly under state planning, the finance bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

  From April 1, 2005, as authorized by the State Council, the policy of export tax refund to the primary steel products as under the tariff code 7203, 7205, 7206, 7207, 7218 and 7224 shall be ceased. The specific enforcing date shall subject to the export date specified by the customs on the “customs declaration of export goods (for export tax refund only)”。

  It is hereby notified.

  The Ministry of Finance

  The State Administration of Taxation.

  March 28, 2005

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上一篇:国家税务总局关于经保税区出口货物申报出口退(免)税有关问题的批复 The Official Reply of the State Administration  
下一篇:抵税财物拍卖、变卖试行办法 Auction and Sale of Property to Offset Tax Trial Procedures
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