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  When you are in the summer sun,your body seems to shine with light1 and you find the shadow behind you very dark. If it is at noon and you are in the strongest sunshine, you look the brightest and cast a shadow that thickens to be a dark-blue iron-color mass2. If it is in the winter when the sky is covered with heavy clouds,3 you will cast no shadow, and even your figure will appear rather unclear, look gray and seem to lack vigor. (来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

  This can be applied to situations in which a man finds himself in life. 4 When he is successful, he is in the sun. The greater his achievement, the brighter his halo -- the glory showered on him. 5 His shadow is also proportionally becoming darker and darker. When his halo is the brightest his shadow is the darkest,for at this time the number of his opponents6 -- those who envy him,swear at him, hate him for standing in their way, find fault and criticize him -- will be the biggest. Everything has two opposite sides, just like light and shadow always coexisting side by side.7

  On the other hand, the less successful person receives less light -- less social attention. 8 A person achieves nothing in life has no light at all -- nobody shows any attention to him, 9 thus he is entirely free from jealousy and slander. Such a person often loses his identity in a crowd; his appearance is almost undistinguishable.10

  So when you succeed in something, don't complain against any possible attack you may encounter. As for charges launched at you by narrow-minded people11,they are even less worth your attention, for all these amount to nothing more than shadows cast by your halo.





Notes 注释:1.译文分句主语为you,主句主语为your body,可以基本保持视角一致,不必按汉语那样改变视角,这样更符合英语要求。2.'一块浓重的青黑铁色'翻译时要考虑'一块'与'色'在英文里如何搭配的问题。此外'浓重的'是形容词,译时恐怕得改成thickens to be较合适。3.'没有日光'由明示改为暗示,采用反面译法,原意仍在。4.此句与下句译文显然与原文有出入,如此改变完全由于英语行文需要,先总述后分述以理顺逻辑,因为原文在这方面存在着缺憾。5.社会投在人身上的直接物不是'光环'(halo)而是glory,所以要分两层意思译出,这说明译者不能机械译字面而要深入理解,并作适当阐释,译者也是创造者。6.原文只有比较级说法,译文增加最高级可以使气势增强,把文章推至高潮,同时使原文暗示的opponent明朗化,这同样是译文的创造,但并没有违背作者原意,只是不'字字对译'而已。原文从第三人称的'人'一下子便改成第二人称的'你',这是汉语的自由,英语不喜欢任意改变主语,故一直用第三人称。7.'对称'一词其实是不确切的,光和影的相互位置不一定是对称,而是向某一侧倾斜,但从侧面看则都可以说side by side。 8.此句之所以增加,完全是为了上下文的衔接,这是汉语经常忽略之处,因为汉语是意合式语言,可以暗示不说。英语则不然,如果缺少承接词语便会构成修辞缺憾。9.最后部分是使原文暗示改为明示。'很少'与'强光'中的'少'与'强'似有矛盾,不合逻辑,应反过来将前者改为强势词,后者改为弱势词,成为no light at all ('很少'改为'一点也没有','强光'改成'光')。10.将原文的一句译成两句,使原意更为明朗。11.'小人'意义模糊,现根据本文总体意思译成较具体的 narrow-minded people。
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