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            Dear Dr.XXX (来源:英语博客 http://space.englishcn.com)

            I am very fortunate that both your Institute and Stanford give me
            offer at last. However, it proses to me a very hard problem of
            choosing indeed, for both are my favorites. I also so know many
            professors at Stanford come from Rochester such as Professor XXXX.

            After careful thought and with great reget, I must say I would go
            Stanford University to further my academic career for several
            reasons that convince me at last. One of them is Stanford ranks NO.1
            in Phys., E.E.,Graduate School..., which provides with me much more
            opportunities to be excellent in many potential fields though its
            optics is not as stronge as
            Rochester which ranks 1st in Optical Engineering in the world.
            Another reason is my best friend I ever had is in the CS department
            of Stanford Univerity and I really hope to be his schoolmate after a
            departure of 8 years and 20000 kilometers.

            But here, I still want express again my deep gratefulness to your
            offer and warm welcome. I hope and am sure we will have opportunite
            to cooperate in the future.

            Sincerely yours,

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