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  SRCC strike , riots and civil commotion 罢工,暴乱,内哄(险) (来源:英语交友 http://friends.englishcn.com)

  S.S. suez surcharge 苏伊士运河附加费

  SUBCHARTERER third owner of the same vessel 再租人,三船东

  SUBS substitute 代替

  S/W shipper's weights 发货人提供的重量

  SWDFT salt water draft 海(咸)水吃水

  TB to be 将要

  TC type cranes 单杆吊(船舶呆杆类型)

  T.C.T. time charter on trip basis 航次期租船

  TD time of departure 开航时间

  TDY today 今天

  TEU twenty equivalent unit 20英尺标准集装箱

  T.L. total loss 全损

  TLX telex 电传

  T.P.I tons per inch 每一英寸吃水吨数

  T/S transhipment surcharge 转船附加费

  T/T turbine tankfr 蜗轮机油轮

  U you 你,你们

  ULCC ultra-large crude carrier 特大型油轮

  UTD upper tweendeck 三层的

  V voyage 航程,航次

  VLBC very large bulk carrier 大型散装船

  V.O.P. value as in original policy 价值如原保险单所载

  VSL vessel 船舶

  WA with particular average 水渍险

  WCCON whether customs clearance or not 不管通关与否

  WHF wharf 码头

  WICCON whether in cus toms clearance or not (船舶)不管通关与否

  WIPON whether in port or not (船舶)不管抵港与否

  WL water line 水线

  WOG without guarantee 没有保证

  WPA with particular average 水渍险

  W.R.O. war risks only 仅保战争险

  WTS working time saved 节省的工作时间

  WW warehouse to warehouse (clause) 仓至仓条款(保险)

  WWDSHEX weather working day sundays,holidays excepted 晴天工作日,星期日和节假日除外

  YAR york-antwerp rules 约克-安特卫普规则(1974)(共同海损理算规则)

  YLET your letter 你的信

  YR year 年



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