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Difficulty Level I:

1A: Will, what did you have for breakfast? (来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

1B: I had two scrambled eggs, two pieces of fresh toast, one cups of coffee and a grapefruit.

2A: Jess, how tall are you?

2B: I*m about about five six. (Five feet six inches.)

3A: When are you leaving, Jess?

3B: I'm leaving on Northwest flight 207 [ two o seven] on Sunday the thirteenth.

4A: AH756793 每Will, is that your car?

4B: No, mine's over there: AM443350 [ double four double three five o ]

5A: What is the speed limit here, Jess?

5B: Gee, slow down, Will! 50 [ fifty] miles an hour, we are doing way over!

6A: What's today's exchange rate?

6B: 150.8 [ one five o point eight]

7A: Which gate should I go to for flight 1307 [ three o seven], please?

7B: Gate 40. [forty]

8A: Shall we meet at quarter to one, Jess?

8B: I'm afraid I'll be busy until quarter after two.

9A: How much is 0.3258 [ naught point three two five eight] to two decimal places?

9B: .33 [ point three three ]

10A: That'll be $5.97 [ five dollars and ninety seven cents].

10B: I'm afraid I only have a $ 100 [hundred dollar] bill.


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