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youthquake • \YOOTH-kwayk\ • noun
: a shift in cultural norms influenced by the values, tastes, and mores of young people

Example Sentence:

The dot-com industry was the epicenter of the youthquake of the 1990s.

Did you know?

The 1960s were a time of seismic social upheaval brought about by young people bent on shaking up the establishment. From politics to fashion to music, the ways of youth produced far-reaching cultural changes. Linguistically, the sixties saw the addition to English of such words as "flower child," "peacenik," "hippie," "love beads," "trippy," "vibe," "freak-out," and "love-in." Not surprisingly, they also saw the emergence of "youthquake." The first known use of "youthquake" in print comes from a 1966 article in McCall's: "the youthquake, as some call it ... has swept both sides of the Atlantic."
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·valedictory 告别演讲
·pratfall 屁股着地的摔倒
·euphemism 委婉(词)语
·rough-and-tumble 杂乱无章的, 混乱的
·phantasmagoria 幻景
·frivolous 轻佻的、琐碎的

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