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hemidemisemiquaver • \hem-ih-dem-ih-SEM-ih-kway-ver\ • noun
: a musical note with the time value of 1/64 of a whole note : sixty-fourth note

Example Sentence:

The pianist's fingers became a blur flying over the keys as she played the difficult hemidemisemiquavers of the allegro movement.

Did you know?

Hemidemisemiquavers are the fastest musical notes that are commonly played, and performing them well can stretch human technique to its limit. The term is mainly used in Britain, where eighth notes are called "quavers," sixteenth notes are called "semiquavers," and thirty-second notes are called "demisemiquavers." In the United States, "hemidemisemiquaver" is likely to be used humorously, occurring especially as a clever substitute for "moment" or "bit," as in "the concert ended not a hemidemisemiquaver too soon."
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·valedictory 告别演讲
·pratfall 屁股着地的摔倒
·euphemism 委婉(词)语
·rough-and-tumble 杂乱无章的, 混乱的
·phantasmagoria 幻景
·frivolous 轻佻的、琐碎的

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