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 “I’d been wanting to have a child for a really long time, but I wasn’t trying, just put it like that,” Madonna says. “It was one of those weird surprises. I was so engrossed in making the movie that I wasn’t paying attention to my body. I didn’t have any symptoms — any feelings of fatigue or strangeness. I attributed to working too hard.” (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答])

“Later I was tired and I’d sometimes feel a bit nauseous, but we were shooting outside and it was 100 degrees [38ºC] every day and everyone was feeling a bit sick. If I said, ‘I kind of feel sick’, the girl doing my make-up would say, ‘I feel sick, too ···· I think the lunch was bad’. And I’d think, ‘ Yeah, lunch must have been bad’. I never, ever thought that I was pregnant, It just didn’t seem like a viable option.”

 Madonna’s pregnancy was later confirmed by her doctor in New York, before the ‘Evita’ cast and crew flew on to Budapest, Hungary, to complete filming. “When I finally did find out, it was kind of like, ‘No way! Really? No! I’m making a movie right now — that’s absurd’,” she recalls, laughing. “But then it was like the greatest thing in the world.”

She also had an ultrasound. “When you take a blood test and they say, ‘You’re pregnant’, you just go, ‘Oh and don’t feel any different really’. But when you see the little baby and it’s …[she indicates a few centimeters between her fingers] then it hits you like a ton of bricks. It’s real. I cried when I heard my baby’s heartbeat. It was the most incredible experience. I fell in love,” she says, her eyes literally shining with emotion.

Even though she and ‘Evita’ director Alan Parker decided to suppress news of her pregnancy for as long as possible to keep all attention focused on the film, Madonna says her condition actually helped her with her portrayal of Eva Peron, who died of cervical cancer in 1952, at the age of 33.

“It did add another layer of tension to filming.” She admits, “ because I’d be worried that I was on my feet too long or working too many hours. I had lot of dancing to do [Eva was a tango aficionado] until I was about four and a half months. There was a lot of jumping and sometimes I fell and I’d think, ‘I’ve done it this time’, and I’d rush to the doctor to make sure everything was okay. I must be built like a tank, because nothing happened.”

“It made me very protective of myself, and I think that helped my character, because Eva always had a lot of health problems, Problems with haemorrhaging — she had really heavy periods and things like that. And when she found out she had cervical cancer, she hid it form people for a long time. I think she was very protective over that part of her body,” Madonna says, enfolding her tummy, and so I used that. I easily could imagine being more frail, wanting badly to protect this part of my body, That feeling of being vulnerable.”

Madonna’s pregnancy has been smooth. “ I’ve never been sick, just more tired than usual. I’ve been really lucky, I have to say,” she reports, rapping on the table beside her. “ Touch wood !” She pauses to sip a frothy iced coffee from a plastic tumbler.

“Instead, I just feel I don’t fit into spaces anymore, and it’s getting harder to put my shoes on. I bent over to put my shoe on the other day and fell off the bench. I thought to myself, ‘This is really going to bumble me’.”

“Some days I wake up and feel like a million bucks; there’s a life growing inside me and I’m the luckiest person in the and I’m the luckiest person in the world. And then other days I get up and just go, ‘Uggghhh….I’m a fat pig, I’m as big as a whale’. I took in my closet and I just can’t find anything to wear.

 “It’s difficult when you’re used to being really fit and agile, having an enormous amount of energy and strength and a really flat stomach. It’s difficult when suddenly you have to surrender your body, and it’s a very good lesson for me.”

 “ It’s given me license to relax in a way that I never really allowed myself to . And, you know, deep in my heart it’s all very good for me. It’s good for me to have to deal with all these changes. It’s going to be good for me to have the baby and have fat and then have to get rid of it.”




“很久以来我就想要个孩子,但并没有刻意去要,只是顺其自然,”麦当娜说:“那是种异样的兴奋。当时我正专注于拍电影,并没在意身体的变化。我没有任何征兆 — 我从未感觉疲劳或不适。我工作得太投入了。”

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