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Activity is the only road to knowedge. 
Ceorge Bernard shaw,   British dramalist  
英国剧作家   肖伯纳,G  
A free man obtains knowledge from many sources  besides books. 
Thomas Jefferson   American president  
 一个自由的人除了从书本上获取知识外,还可以从许多别的来源获得知识。 美国总统    杰斐逊      .T.  
A great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way. 
Adas Franklin. Aerican humorist  
美国幽默作家  富兰克林,A.  
A  little learning is a dangerous thing, but a lot of ignorace is just as bad. 
Harry Edward, Aerican writer  
美国作家    爱德华  
A  man should keep his little brain attic stocked with all the furniture that he is likely to use, and the rest he can put away in the lumber room of his library, where  he can get it if  he wants it. 
Doyle Arthur Conan   British writer  
英国作家      柯南  道尔  
A strong climbing-rope, made by twisting together confidence, determination and perseverance, can help you scale the summits of knowledge and science. 
 信心、决心和恒心,拧成一根坚实的攀绳,能使你达到知识和科学的高峰。   (来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects. 
Will Rogers, American humorist  
Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. 
Charles Bernard,  French philosopher  
法国哲学家 贝尔纳.c.  
Fools act on imagination without knowledge; pedants act on knowledge without  imagination. 
Alfred North Whitehead, British philosopherand  mathematician  
英国哲学家、数学家  怀特海,A. N.  
I like to have  a man's knowledge comprehend  more than one class of topics, one row of shelves. I  like a man who likes to see a fine barn as well as a good tragedy.  
Ralph Waldo Emerson,  American thinker  
美国思想家、爱默生。R. W.  
If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him, an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. 
Benjamin Franklin.  Aerican president
美国总统  富兰克林.B.  
Imagination is more important than knowledge. 
Albert Einstein,   American scientist  
美国科学家 爱因斯坦。A。  
It is the  pecularity of knowledge that those who really thirst for it always get it. 
Richard Jefferies. British naturalist  
英国博物学家     杰弗里斯大林. R  
Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it when young, it will give us no shade when we grow old. 
Chesterfield  British diploat and writer  
英国外交家、作家  切斯特菲尔德  
Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. 
Thomas Fuller, British churchman  
英国教士  富勒  T.  
Knowledge is power. 
Francis Baco, British philosopher  
英国哲学家 培根  。F。  
Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of  light. 
Thomas Carlyle.  Brithsh historian and essayist  
英国历史学家、散文学家   卡莱尔.T.  
Not ignorance, but the ignorance of ignorance, is the death  of knowledge. 
A N. Whitehead,  British philosopher  

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