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Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
A wolf in sheep's clothing is someone who is secretly out to harm you, while putting on a friendly face. Jesus first used this phrase to refer to people who teach false religions: "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."


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·You Can't Take it With You 死不带去
·Blackmail 敲诈勒索
·一图胜千言 A Picture Paints a Thousand Words
·American Idioms 328 - fight tooth and nail...
·American Idioms 327 - on the/ ropes / give sb.
·American Idioms 326 - rope sb. in / at the end
·American Idioms 325 - learn the ropes
·American Idioms 324 - dog tired / go to the do
·American Idioms 323 - go bananas / compare ora

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