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Present (BE + -ING) (来源:英语麦当劳 http://www.EnglishCN.com)


Have a look at this picture:


- What are they doing?
- They are playing football.


Main use: action which is being done at the same moment.

Syntax: Auxiliary BE (conjugated) + Verb ending in -ING

I am playing football.
You are playing football.
He/She/It is playing football.
We are playing football.
You are playing football.
They are playing football.


Negation: I am not playing football, you are not playing football...

Question: Am I playing football? Are you playing football? Is he playing football? ...


Are they playing football?

Long answers: Yes, they're playing football. No, they aren't playing football.
Short answers: Yes, they are. No, they aren't.


TEST - Fill in the gaps

1. They ........................ (study) at the moment.
2. She ........................ TV.
3. What ........................ (you/read) at the moment?
4. I ........................ (cook) dinner tonight. Would you like to come?
5. It ........................ (work). I think it's broken.
6. He ........................ (learn) German for his job.


1. are studying | 2. She is watching TV. | 3. What are you reading at the moment? | 4. I am cooking | 5. It is not working | 6. He is learning

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