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Past Simple (Preterite) (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐EnglishCN.com)


Main use: past action (dated and definite)

Did they play football yesterday?
>> Yes, they played football yesterday.
= Yes, they did.

>> No, they didn't play football.
= No, they didn't.

Did they win yesterday?
>> Yes, they won.
= Yes, they did.

No, they didn't win yesterday.
= No, they didn't.

TEST - Fill in the gaps:

____________ (1: you/go) to London yesterday?
Yes, I ____________ (2): I ____________ (3: take) the Eurostar and I ____________ (4: arrive) at Waterloo Station. I ____________ (5: meet) old friends there. They ____________ (6: be) all very happy to see me. I ____________ (7: visit) the town with them and I even ____________ (8: see) Prince Charles! I ____________ (9: go) to Buckingham Palace too! It ____________ (10: be) a wonderful journey!


1: did you go | 2: did | 3: took | 4: arrived | 5. met | 6. were | 7: visited | 8: saw | went | was
(GO, TAKE, MEET, BE, SEE are irregular).

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