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    Hello. This is Ichiro Aoki of X company.


    Extension 4274, please.


    Could I speak to Mr.Smith?


    I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr.Jones.


    What’s the name and number of the hotel?


    How can I cantact you?/ How can I get a hold of you?


    We hope to hear from you soon.


    Call me at 313-1234.


    Please call me at the office.


    I’ll call you the first thing tomorrow morning.


    I’ll give you a call.


    Please feel free to call me.


    We’re looking forward to seeing you.


    I finally got a hold of you.


    I finally got my call through.


    I’m glad I could get a hold of you.


    I tried to reach you last week.


    He’s a difficult to get a hold of.


    I’ve tried to contact him many times, but he’s always out.


    Would you look up his number?


    Dial the number on the business card.


    How do I make an outside call?


    When you hear the dial tone, dail the number.


    I’d like to make an international call.


    Can you hear me?


    Something is wrong with this phone.


    I can call for you.


    Where are you calling from?


    I’ll call you again from the station.


    It’s strange that Bob hasn’t called you.


    I didn’t make any calls.


    I’m on duty now.


    I’ll call for help.


    I’d like to make a reservation.


    Do you know his cell phone number?


    Cell phone still have some drawbacks.


    Who shall I say is calling?


    Would you spell your name?


    Can you put him on?


    I’ll get you a person in charge.


    Mr.Smith, there’s a call for you.


    He’s on the phone now.


    He just got off the phone.


    If it’s urgent, I’ll try to contact him.


    There’s a phone call for you from that same customer.


    Tell him I’ll call him back later.

    告诉他过会儿我再给他回电话。 (来源:英语论坛 http://bbs.englishcn.com)

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